Tuesday, 29 January 2013




Tan Kee Sek Biography

1951  Born in Singapore.
1970  Graduated from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts,Singapore.
1980  'Art in Action' Demonstration and Exhibition of Chinese Seal-Carving at National Museum Art             Gallery,Singapore.
1994  Solo Art Exhibition at Empress Place Museum Art Gallery,Singapore.
2003  'Carefree Wandering' The Scenery Paintings Exhibition by Tan Kee Sek at the Drawing Gallery -       Paragon,Singapore.
2005  Invited by Singapore Ministry of Foreign Affairs;"seal-carving,Calligraphy & Painting Exhibition
      by Tan Kee Sek" in Istanbul,Turkey.

      President of Siaw-Tao Chinese Seal-Carving,Calligraphy and Painting Society.
      'Honorary committee' of Shicheng Calligraphy & Seal-Carving Society (Singapore).
      As'Overseas Artist by Special Invitation' in Xiling Art Centre at Zhejiang,China.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

本土关怀·异域风采 陈长豪水彩画展



Chan Chang  How was born in 1943, graduated from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in 1965 and never look back ever since. Already famous for his sketches of olden days Singapore, Chinatown and the Singapore River, he has compliled these valuable historical sights and scenes into 2 books entitled “Sketches of Singapore and the “Vanishing Scenes of Singapore River & Chinatown”
Chan Chang How is a versatile artist skilled in watercolours, oil, Chinese splash painting and bold in his mixed medium .
Chan Chang How’s artistic contributions to the Art World and to Singapore in particular are considerable. His talents for original composition and his mastery of the water colour technique are truly astonishing. Chan Chang How has a sharp eye for unusual angles that make him stand apart from the others. Before long his talents were noticed and in 1988, he was invited to participate in the Flemish International Water Colour Exhibition in Brussel, Belgium. He is also actively involved in groups exhibitions and has held 2 solo exhibition – “Rhapsody fo Colours”, “Expression of Faith” a charity exhibition for the Buddhist Library.  In 2009, his watercolour paintings were selected to be published in the French Art Magazine – Pratique des Arts in December issue. In 2010, he publish watercolour book – “Rhapsody of Colours”. In 2010, his watercolour work was selected for exhibition in the Shanghai Zhujiajiao International Watercolour Biennial Exhibition, China. In 2010, he was invited to contribute his watercolour works on display for Watercolour Painting on-line (http://watercolourpainting.com/chan-chang-how-singapore). In 2012, he was invited to attend the Indonesia Watercolour Society opening ceremony and his work printed in magazine. In 2012, he was invited by the International Watercolour Society, to submit a painting work to be publish in the International Watercolour Society Catalogue 2012.
His artistic contributions are widely recognized through various awards he has received over the years:
They are:
1976 OCBC “Singapore Skyline Art Competition” medal award
1978 Ministry of Culture National Day Art Exhibition medal award
1979 Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Alumni “Creative Work” Art Competition medal award
1994 Ministry of Defence “Defence 94” Art Competition merit award
1994  Dr Tan Tsze Chor Creative work special award
1997  China National Exhibition of Selected Watercolour special award
2001  Dr Tan Tsze Chor Art Award 2001 Distinction Award
2001  Singapore Watercolour Society Outstanding Award
2012  Dr Tan Tsze Chor Outstanding Work Distinction award
2012  Dr Tan Tsze Chor Western Arts – Representational  First Prize

1977    “Sketches of Singapore” published by EPB, with 2 other artists.
1983    “Vanishing scenes of Singapore & ChinaTown” selected sketches by Chan Chang How, published.
2003     Watercolour Paintings by Chan Chang How, published.
2010     “Rhapsody of Colours” watercolour paintings by Chan Chang How, published
Watercolour talks

2008 Talks and demonstration on watercolour for Malaysian Watercolour     Society,KL
2008  Talks on International Watercolours for Seremban Art Society
2008  Sharing  talks on Chan Chang How’s watercolour works, Seremban Art Society
2009   Talks on International Watercolour Approach for Perak Art Society, Ipoh
2010   Sharing Talks on Outdoor sketch painting, Sungei Pertani, Kedah
2011   Talks on A Perspective of Watercolour’s today, Singapore Watercolour Society (SWS)
2012    Sharing view of artist’s works, Singapore Art Society

陈长豪生于1943年。1965年毕业于南洋美术专科学院. 他不断地自我要求并推出了许多新加坡旧时风貌的佳作,尤以新加坡河及牛车水一带的旧时繁忙景象为题材的作品最具代表性。在这些旧时景象逐渐消失的今日,长豪所捕捉的刹那题材,收集在两本精选画集内 - < 新加坡速写 >< 陈长豪怀旧速写选:新加坡河及牛车水 >
陈长豪是多才多艺的画家。除了擅长水彩画之外,他对于速写、油画及水墨画也有独到之处。在画作材料的应用方面,他既大胆又勇于创新,能够依照各种材料的不同特性做淋漓尽致的发挥。他的画作,除展现高度的人文精神外,也同时呈现出巧妙且独具 一格的构思。在艺术创造的道路上,不哗众取宠,不装疯扮癫,怀着 一颗对艺术虔敬的心,坚韧不懈地进行探索。他的水彩画有自己的风貌,肖象画重神韵,画风景则重意境;由于他水墨画的底子深厚, 应用在水彩画的构图上是以虚实相间处理景物的远近, 用色奔放, 以毛笔勾勒线条, 人物栩栩如生, 风格独辟蹊径.
对于一个画家而言,能受邀代表参加国际画展是一项荣耀。其中尤以参与1998年比利时所举行的”Flemish国际水彩画展”, 与国际画家交流,最令他不能忘怀。长豪举办过二次个人水彩画展。2009年,他的水彩作品受邀刊载在法国署名美术画刊Pratique des Arts2010年个人出版水彩画册 - < 陈长豪水彩 >2010年作品入选中国上海朱家角国际水彩画双年展。同年,受邀作品被推荐刊载在网上http://watercolourpainting.com/chan-chang-how-singapore2012年受邀出席参加印尼水彩画会开幕礼。2012年受邀作品入选2012年国际水彩画会目录本
  1. 1976年华侨银行< 新加坡风景线比赛> 优秀奖
  2. 1978年文化部国庆美展优秀奖
  3. 1979年南洋美专校友会创作画优秀奖
  4. 1994年国防部国防94”美术比赛安慰奖
  5. 1994年陈之初博士创作画特别奖
  6. 1997”97中国水彩画大展特别奖
  7. 2001年陈之初博士艺术奖
  8. 2001年新加坡水彩画会杰出奖
  9. 2012年陈之初博士西画公开赛首奖
  10. 2012年陈之初博士彩墨画公开赛优胜奖
1977    新加坡速写
1983    陈长豪怀旧速写选:新加坡河及牛车水
2010    陈长豪水彩画集

水彩 讲座
2008   马来西亚水彩画会之邀请到吉隆坡作水彩示范和讲座
2008    受芙蓉艺术协会之邀请谈和分享国际水彩画动向
2008    分享陈长豪水彩, 芙蓉艺术协会
2009    霹雳艺术协会之邀请到怡保分享国际水彩画方向讲座
2010    北马双溪大年户外写生记分享, 新加坡水彩画会会所
2011    谈今日水彩画的变迁, 新加坡水彩画会会所
2012   新加坡艺术协会主办<分享创作经验谈>